Is a Life Coach for Me?
There are a range of things that could be going on in your life that might prompt you to seek help from a life coach. Some examples could be:
- You feel a need to make a specific change in your life and feel like you want to be supported while you make that change.
- You have a goal you’re working towards but feel stuck and need help moving forward.
- You’re in the midst of a crisis involving a work or relationship situation and want someone to talk to so you can figure out what steps you could take.
- You feel like you don’t have a direction and are kind of drifting along and would like to have a goal or greater sense of purpose in your life.
- Or you just have a vague sense that something is “off”—that life could be better, but have no idea how to make it so.
Is a Life Coach for Me?
There are a range of things that could be going on in your life that might prompt you to seek help from a life coach. Some examples could be:
You feel a need to make a specific change in your life and feel like you want to be supported while you make that change.
You have a goal you’re working towards but feel stuck and need help moving forward.
You’re in the midst of a crisis involving a work or relationship situation and want someone to talk to so you can figure out what steps you could take.
You feel like you don’t have a direction and are kind of drifting along and would like to have a goal or greater sense of purpose in your life.
Or you just have a vague sense that something is “off”—that life could be better, but have no idea how to make it so.
You, the Creator
Most of us are taught to believe that only those who paint or write or act, etc. are creative. But in fact, all of us are creative in that we all create our lives—moment by moment, thought by thought, action by action (or lack thereof). Once you realize this and begin to create your life consciously, life gets more interesting as you become aware of your power to manifest what you want in your life. Rather than feel as if life is something that happens to you, you experience the joy and exhilaration of seeing it become more and more what you have envisioned and longed for it to be. You start to wake up and notice the “coincidences” in your life that show how life supports your intentions once you learn to focus and devote your energy and time to them. Even crises and unexpected disappointments become your messengers and teachers if you are able to step back and view them differently. And you begin to feel more confident in yourself as you navigate through even the rough patches of your life, underscoring the truth of the African proverb that reminds us that, after all, “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”
How I enter into it…
As your life coach, I see my role as your “exploring companion” and personal guide on your unique life adventure! You might come to me with a specific problem and during the course of working on that we may uncover deeper issues or patterns that you wish to address. I might encourage you to really imagine how you would like your life to be and assist you in creating a roadmap to bring your vision into being. Through our work together, I might help illuminate for you the obstacles that keep you from moving forward on your path. I might invite you to fall in love with yourself if you haven’t already, and face down the fears and doubts that have kept you from being a fuller expression of “you” in the world. I will encourage you to get to know intimately the best and most dependable source of wisdom and guidance you will ever have--not only for creating the life you desire but also for meeting life’s challenges, no matter how daunting—the inner “GPS” that each of us has, whether we know it or not. And of course, I will be cheering you on!
You and I
How we work together, how often we work together, and what tools we use to work together will be in some ways up to you. We won’t know at the outset where our journey together will lead us, but all along the way I will be drawing upon my excellent training as a counselor, my intuitive gifts, my years of real-world experience, and my lifelong, endless fascination with the process of life. Above all, through our work together, we will be getting to know the most fascinating person you will ever know in your life—you.